How long before you have to be at the airport

How soon do you have to be at the airport?

Are you usually that person at the airport running to the gate, or are you the eager traveler who hangs around the gates for hours before takeoff? If you have ever done either of the two, you have probably wondered how long before you have to be at the airport, in…

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10 ways to get the best seat on the plane

best airplane seat

We've all been through it: the little kid kicking the back of your seat, the lack of legroom, the armrest war. Although there's no safe way to guarantee an exit row aisle seat near the front of the plane without anyone sitting...

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La pesadilla de reservar con HomeAway 2024

The nightmare

Not even two months ago, we wrote an article about the benefits of booking through HomeAway. Our first two reservations, which saved us a few euros compared to the competition, had been a success, so our opinion of HomeAway was not entirely bad. Well, human is to back down...

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10 Tips for Planning a Cheap Vacation

organize cheap holidays

Your long-awaited vacations are finally here and, once again, you find yourself with the dilemma of having to choose between; face all those unforeseen expenses that invade your bank account, or pack your bags and hit a well-deserved vacation with your family. This is a scene that repeats itself year after…

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good cheap nice mobile

First of all, I would like to emphasize that this recommendation is focused on travelers, by this I mean that the criteria that I have taken into account when choosing a single "perfect phone for traveling", have been evaluated from a point of view from a practical point of view, thought mainly for travelers. This is not to say that...

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The best beach in the world – It is in Spain


  THE BEST BEACH IN THE WORLD... It's in Galicia, Spain! I'm not saying it... the prestigious British newspaper The Guardian says so in an article published on the best beaches in the world. Trip to the Cíes Islands Today we wanted to travel there to see first-hand if it really is the best beach in the world…

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Health Coverage for Travelers – Best Travel Insurance

travel insurance

Lo sé, tampoco me gusta tener que contratar un seguro de viaje, y ni siquiera me gusta hablar de ello o tener que investigar y comparar las mejores compañías de seguros de viaje. Cuando lo piensas, pagar una cobertura de salud para viajeros es una de esas cosas por las que pagas con la esperanza …

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